Each local authority is asked to identify a key contact person, nominated by the Director, who will assume responsibility for educational issues related to children and young people in families with parent(s)/carer who is serving in the Armed Forces (Regular or Reserves) and those in families with parent(s)/carer who has been serving (Veteran).
Why is this important? In every Scottish local authority there are military families in residence and children and young people in their schools. Every local authority has an agreed Community Covenant that aims to encourage local communities to support the Service community in their area and to nurture understanding and awareness amongst the public of issues affecting the Armed Forces Community. It is intended to encourage local authorities to take action to address disadvantage.
The ADES NTO has been meeting with groups of Education Officers and practitioners to create a network of communication, share good practice and resources, highlight areas of need and raise awareness.
Groups established to provide guidance, support and recommendations:
- ADES Armed Forces Working Group (Local Authority Education Officers) — a network of professionals from a number of local authorities and schools who have significant experience of transitions and supporting the educational progress of learners from Armed Forces families. The members collaborate on identifying processes and systems which are successful as part of transitions development and strategy in their own authorities.
- ADES Armed Forces (Local Authority) Project Coordinators, in support of progressing successful practice into policy. The LEA Project Co-ordinators, share their experience, resources and practice which they have identified as effective in the projects developed for transitions. Their practice had been enhanced through the MoD Education Support Fund (DCYP) for strategic support to schools and has enabled the adoption of key processes and functions for more effective planning.